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This game was made for the Black Cat Jam as a solo project with the optional theme of "Chaos"

This is my third game jam, and this one overall went way better than any previous. I was able to maintain a somewhat scene structure (in comparison to my previous projects) and was able to make something a lot more "game-like" than previous work.

Movement - WASD

Place Candy - Left Shift


When you move, the enemy moves

If a vac'uum sees you for 2 "rounds" in a row, you lose.

if you enter any square next to the baby, you lose.

if either the baby or vac'uum move into you, you lose.

If a baby moves onto a candy, it will stop for 6 turns and not grab the player.

Do your duty.


Honestly, my movement function is pretty darn chaotic, but that's about it theme-wise. Going into this jam, I mainly wanted to mess with and learn how to use 2d raytracing. Due to this, the player and both enemies use rays extensively to detect one another and move. It ended up teaching me lots, and how insanely useful rays can be.


- Art, Programming, Music, Game Design, Story, Midlife Crisis, Etc - LGWV (that's me)


I maintained a realistic scope throughout this project, and due to that had very little cut from the game. My main ideas that were cut are:

  • 1 Enemy - Mother
    • The "Mom" enemy was a nifty idea. It does not move, it instead slowly scans a 180 degree area to its front. It would be introduced with levels that have multiple vases. When a vase is smashed, the mother enemy reacts to the sound and moves to the broken vase, and stays there to scan.
    • I thought this would make for some interesting ideas where you would have to have an "escape route" planned for when you smash the vases, in order to avoid the angered character.

  • 2 Levels
    • These were supposed to show off the mother enemy and levels with multiple vases
Published 2 days ago
Made withGodot
TagsCats, Pixel Art, Short, Stealth

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